- You are to create a headline about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)
“Advance Your Skills and Master Digital Marketing in Your 2nd Year at the SCC Advertising Program!”
I chose this headline because it provides a clear call to action. The phrase “advance your skills” directly shows first-year students to think about their progression in the program and encourages them to continue strong in their first year because they will be building off their skills they learned and advancing them. By using this wording, it makes it a strong motivator to keep them focused on their growth and continue putting all their best efforts into the first year. As well, by adding the phrase “master digital marketing,” it makes them focus on growth even more and emphasizes the key goal of the second year—becoming highly skilled and proficient in digital marketing. This shows that the second year offers deeper, more specialized knowledge, which makes it appealing for students who want to excel.
It also uses targeted language. By mentioning “your 2nd year” and “SCC advertising program,” the headline directly speaks to the target audience, first-year students, and reinforces that the next step in their academic journey at St. Clair will focus on advanced skills building on what they are learning now.